Members only “Lunch & Learn” Meetings
Members only “Lunch & Learn” meetings will be held every other month on Thursdays at noon. A notification will be sent out prior to our next Lunch & Learn meeting.
Our next scheduled meeting is on March 13, 2025 noon ET.
​Title: FEMA’s Future of Flood Risk Data Initiative
Science and technology for flood hazard identification and flood risk assessments has advanced throughout the 50-year history of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Although FEMA has made progress modernizing the flood mapping process, there are ample opportunities for continued improvement. The Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are the most prevalent cartographic tool used to help communities understand their flooding risks and provide the backbone of effective floodplain management. However, FIRMs are primarily representative of a single flood hazard, the one-percent-annual-chance of flooding, rather than a more comprehensive picture of flood risk.
FEMA’s Future of Flood Risk Data (FFRD) initiative provides a more comprehensive picture of the country’s flood hazards and risk by leveraging new technologies to include more efficient, accurate, and consistent flood risk information across the nation. The data produced will include watershed-wide, probabilistic estimates of flood hazards, and quantify the uncertainty associated with those estimates. The creation and dissemination of this information can help the NFIP by driving risk-informed decision making at local, regional, and national scales.
Paul Rooney, is a Mapping Technology Specialist in the Risk Management Directorate of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He is the planning lead for the Future of Flood Mapping Initiative within the Risk MAP program. Mr. Rooney has been working on mapping issues for the NFIP for over 25 years in the private sector and as a FEMA employee. Mr. Rooney is the technical expert for elevation data and base maps. He is also responsible for the coordination of mapping activities with other Federal Agencies through participation in the 3D Elevation Program.
The massFM 2024 conference was held on October 30, 2024.
The massFM 2023 Annual Conference was held on October 23, 2023.
MassFM 2022 Annual Conference (our first in-person conference) on October 13, 2022. Event details can be downloaded at: 2022 Annual Conference Details.
MassFM Annual Conference 2021: Climate Data Update: Evaluating Rising Risks (held October 21, 2021). The event flyer can be downloaded at: Annual Conference Flyer.
Elevation Certificate Virtual Workshop (Friday October 23, 2020)
massFM First Annual Meeting (held on October 22, 2020) including annual conference training and and annual conference keynote panel.
Exclusive Webinar: Floodplain Design, Construction + Impacts on Flood Insurance (held on May 13, 2020)
massFM/NMCOG Floodplain Management Workshop: Tewskbury, MA (held on October 10, 2019):
A Brief Overview on Impacts of Climate Change and why Floodplain Management Matters
FEMA Flood Studies and Maps - Letters of Map Change
Flood Insurance and Mitigation
NFIP Basics in Massachusetts
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program
MEMA HMA Briefing
2018 MA State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan
massFM Kickoff Tour: Springfield, MA (held on April 11, 2019)
The Stream Crossings Explorer
Substantial Improvement Practices
Fluvial-Geomorphology and Flood Risk Management
Post-disaster Responsibilities of Local Officials
massFM Kickoff Event (held on Nov. 8, 2018):
No Adverse Impact - A Common Sense Strategy for Floodplain Management
Historic Structures in the Floodplain - Mitigation and Compliance
Post-disaster Responsibilities of Local Floodplain Administrators