Our Focus:
The focus of massFM is to support those who manage floodplains or engage in related professions in and around the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are striving for a diverse membership resulting in environmental stewardship and collaboration of partners and stakeholders with an interest in minimizing future flood risk and damages in the Commonwealth.
Our Mission:
The mission of massFM is to create a forum for the exchange and expansion of local knowledge and expertise about floodplain management, to share that knowledge with the public, to inform municipal and statewide policies and procedures, and to improve the Commonwealth’s ability to mitigate flood hazards now and in the future.
Become a Member:
Membership is open to anyone interested, whether they live in or around Massachusetts. Annual memberships are $50 for individuals and $20 for students. Supporting membership is available at a tiered level of sponsorship.
Please contact us if you would like to sponsor massFM at massfloodplain@gmail.com with “Sponsorship” in the subject line.
Membership benefits include:
Network with fellow “floodies”
Reduced rates for massFM events
Notification of industry changes/ trends, NFIP information and upcoming training events
Voting Rights
Modeled after similar organizations throughout the country, massFM is a dedicated 501(c)3 association and pending State Chapter of the Association of State Floodplain Managers.
To join massFM or renew membership complete the Application/Renewal Form.
The completed form and membership fee can be sent electronically and paid via credit card, or a check can be mailed directly to the address on the form. Upon receipt, you will receive confirmation of your membership.
For questions/interest regarding membership please email massfloodplain@gmail.com with “Membership” in the subject line.
You can pay by credit card or by sending a printed copy of you application and mailing a check to:
Massachusetts Association for Floodplain Management
PO Box 141
East Sandwich, MA 02537
Subject: Annual Membership